“The Academy of Human Spirit” Podcasts hosted by Prof. Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro

This page includes links to podcasts (all of them in Hebrew) prepared and hosted by Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro in her program on "Mahut HaChayim" (The Essence of Life) Radio. The program was called "The Academy of Human Spirit". (In Hebrew "Ruah" means "spirit" and the Humanities are called "sciences of spirit", so the program was titled "The Academy of Ruah"). Each episode of the program, there was a central theme and one main interviewee (and another in addition).


Lecture: “And the Canaanite was then in the land” – Local Deities from Ba’al to Mother Earth in the Last Century

Two Israeli Pagan movements of the last century have glorified an ancient panteon of god. What is the difference between them? In this lecture we've presented both similarities and differences in the relation to deities in the two movements.


Lecture: Jewish Spirituality in the New Age

This lecture (about 30 min.) surveys and maps the various ways in which New Age and Judaism meet and mix together. The full name of the lecture was: "Jewish Spirituality in the New Age - Emerging Jewish-Israeli Phenomena in the Junction with New Age Culture". It presents ten "types" of these meeting places, accompanied by many examples, while presenting a relevant theoretical background, and discussing the characteristics and trends of this emergent multifaceted space, one of them being the exotization of Judaism process in the New Age realm.


Article: The Roadmap of Israeli Judaism(s) in the New Age

This fundamental and encompassing article (about 12000 words, in Hebrew) surveys and maps the various ways in which New Age and Judaism meet and mix together, in Israel. It presents ten "types" of these meeting places, accompanied by many examples, while presenting a relevant theoretical background, and discussing the characteristics and trends of this emergent multifaceted space, one of them being the exotization of Judaism process in the New Age realm.


Article: Current Jewish Spiritualities in Israel – A New Age

This fundamental article (about 6500 words) - that gained dozens of scientific citations - surveys and maps the junction between New Age and Judaism, in Israel. It presents the scenes of Jewish-New-Agey meeting, with many examples, and it deals with the question, how such a thriving and vibrant space may avoid the research gaze.


Article: Canaanites and Neopagans in Canaan – A Comparison between Two Israeli Movements over the past Century

This study (some 10,500 words, in Hebrew) is a comparative research of two Israeli pafan movements from the last centurt: the Canaanites and the Neopagans. Some surprising similarities, as well as salient differences are revealed, while focusing on questions of land, Identity, politics, gender, and more. The article ends with a table that summarizes the comparison.