Seminar: Spiritual Jewish Psychotherapy in Israel

This unique conference brought together research and practice in the innovative field of spiritual Jewish psychotherapy in Israel. It took place within the framework of the research project led by Prof. Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro and Prof. Ofra Mayseless, as part of an international and multicultural research project in the field of spiritual psychotherapy. (See links on the page.) Introductory lectures and a summary panel were held at the seminae, which were recorded on video. There were also discussion circles.


Conference: Contemplative Pedagogy – Spirit, consciousness, and Magic in Education

This conference dealt with the space between spiritual, alternative, and contemplative education. It had workshops demonstrating these kinds of education, as well as research presentations of support (and criticism) on them. "Contemplative Education" is an umbrela term for education, teaching and learning approaches that turn the gaze into the mind and soaul of the individual, and to their deep link to life, other humans, and the world. Contemplative Education stems from a humanistic perceptionof human nature and the goals of education. It stresses the advancement of personal development and realization of the higher human potential, bot among students and teachers.


Course: Spirituality in Education

In this course, the students encounter the various combinations of spirituality and education. The focus of the course is wide and theoretical, namely - we address different approacher to spiritual education and their principals. The course has multitude online creative activities, intended for learning and self practicing the material (see examples in the galery).


Article: Jewish Forms of Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy

Article: Jewish Forms of Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy This article is included in a book dedicated to studies on spiritually integrated psychotherapy aroun the globe, published by APA (American Psychological Association). This article is unique in addressing the meetingplace between this realm and the Jewish tradition - the subject of our pioneering research project, that combined gathering data in quantitative and qualitatinve tools, and surveyed this emerging field in Israel which has yet to be studied. The article is chapter 14 in a volume that presents studies included in an international research project, funded by a competitive budjet from the Templeton fund.


Lecture: Science as Religion – The Scientific Discourse of Hypnosis and Its Correlation with Religious and Spiritual Phenomena

What is "hypnosis"? It seems we all know the answer… but - do we indeed? In this research the sceintific discourse (of hypnosis) becomes an object of critical examination. It appears that the scientific controversy revolvong the simple question of "what hysnosis is" is so fierce, that in fact the answer isn't clear at all. Actually, the spiritual-religious sphere is a "significant other" that influences the formation of the sceintific discourse. The sceintific definitions bear significat implications both on the therapuetic aspect and the public and legal ones. The lecture's title at the conference was: "Science as Religion – A Critical Outlook at the Scientific Discourse of Hypnosis and Its Correlation with Religious and Spiritual Phenomena".


An Encyclopedian Entry on Mothering and Spirituality

This short entry featured as one among hundreds of others included in the 3-volume Encyclopedia of Motherhood, edited by Andrea O'Reilly. The entry deals with the connection between mothering and spirituality, to motherly deities (in Kabbalah, Hinduism, and Mother Earth - Gaia), to the spiritual valor of mothering, and the balanced feminine role. It was written and published on the same year in which Marianna Ruah-Midbar became a mother.


Article: Judaism is the New Orient – How Experiencing the Far-East Helps Israelis Find Meaning in their Jewish Tradition

The spiritual journeys Israeli-Jews make to the Far East do not merely provide them with experiences and revelations, but also help them reclaim meaning, answer life’s questions, and shape their identity and lifestyle. Surprisingly, some journeys end in embracing Jewish tradition. Why – and how – do secular Israelis, who have never shown any interest in the spiritual matters and aspects of their native tradition, find, following their journey, that Jewish spirituality is relevant to their quest for meaning? This article conducts a critical discussion on the easternization thesis (which claims the West is undergoing a profound paradigmatic transformation), culminating in the conclusion that the East is not Westerners’ and Israelis’ true object of desire, but rather an object upon which they project their Western/Israeli discomfort, passions and images. Judaism, which has been going through an exoticization process within the framework of local New Age – much like the Far East in global spirituality – has been adapting itself to their coveted imagined model. The article (about 8,500 words) is included in an anthology on the subject of "the search for meaning in the Israeli cultual scene", published by Oxford University Press, and edited by Ofra Mayseless and Pninit Russo-Netzer.


Jewish Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy in Israel

The research on Psychotherapy that integrates Jewish Spiritually in Israel is conducted by Prof. Ofra Mayseless from the University of Haifa and Dr. Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro from Zefat Academic College. This study is part of a wide international research project involving dozens of research teams around the world. The aim of the international project is to expand and deepen the research foundation and knowledge of the integration between psychotherapy and spirituality. The international research and the Israeli research are supported by the John Templeton Foundation and the participation and direction of Brigham Young University, located in Utah, USA.