You are currently viewing Article: Outdoing Authenticity – Three Postmodern Models of Adapting Folklore Materials in Current Spiritual Music

 The liturgical poem “Im Nin’alu” got various popular musical adaptations in recent decades. These adaptations raise questions – and provide different answers – regarding authenticity, identity, tradition, and more. Each of them embodies a different way of coping with the postmodern situation.
The article presents three different models of relation to traditional materials, which are different ways of dealing with the problems of individuals in relation to these questions.
The article is part of the research project on the liturgical poem “Im Nin’alu”, as well as the research project on spiritual music, and the project on the East in the West. While this article was published in English, there is another article that was published in Hebrew, on the subject of the adaptations of the liturgical poem, as well as two lectures that presented these studies. See links below.
This comprehensive article (about 12,000 words, in English) was published in the leading journal in the field of folklore research, Journal of Folklore Research – An International Journal of Folklore and Musicology, which is published by Indiana University Press. JFR is well ranked in the fields of folklore, cultural studies, and musicology.


In the postmodern condition, individuals are flooded with images, symbols, and content from various traditions and cultural contexts. How does tradition change in its postmodern uses? How does folklore fill the contemporary need for “authenticity”?
This article presents three models of adapting folkloric materials, reflecting different ways of coping with issues such as identity, community, tradition, multiculturalism, and the desire to fill some of the emptiness experienced by individuals in the complex cultural context of the postmodern condition characterizing contemporary Western culture. The liturgical poem “Im Nin’alu”—referenced and shaped differently by Ofra Haza, Madonna, and Offer Nissim—constitutes a test case for examining a variety of models for adapting traditional material, with varying degrees of postmodernity.
The first model seeks to experience authenticity through a restoration of, or return to, “tradition.” The second one, shaped in the context of World Music, springs from a spirituality that yearns for an “authentic” experience as manifested through a tradition that belongs to the culture of the Other. The third model, which we term “remix spirituality,” seeks to generate an ecstatic experience in an ultra-postmodern manner.


Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro
Omri Ruah Midbar


For a description of the journal on the Indiana University Press website – click here.

To the page of the issue (54.3, September-December 2017) in which the article was included – click here.

To the article page on the JSTOR website – click here.






Academic item

Bibliographical citation

Ruah-Midbar Shapiro, Marianna, and Ruah Midbar, Omri, “Outdoing Authenticity: Three Postmodern Models of Adapting Folklore Materials in Current Spiritual Music”, in Journal of Folklore Research – An International Journal of Folklore and Musicology 54.3 (Sep.-Nov. 2017): 199-231.

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