Seminar: Spiritual Jewish Psychotherapy in Israel

This unique conference brought together research and practice in the innovative field of spiritual Jewish psychotherapy in Israel. It took place within the framework of the research project led by Prof. Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro and Prof. Ofra Mayseless, as part of an international and multicultural research project in the field of spiritual psychotherapy. (See links on the page.) Introductory lectures and a summary panel were held at the seminae, which were recorded on video. There were also discussion circles.


Lecture: Time Perceptions and Body Images in the Contemporary Spiritual Discourse

Many Cultures share the yearning to a far ideal past - the lost paradise. What is special in the past-time perception of New Age Spirituality, especially in its Jewish/Israeli version? How does this spiritual discourse narrates the Jewish and human history? Answers to these questions were presented in a lecture at the conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association. These theses also appear in studies published by Ruah-Midbar Shapiro.


Conference: Contemplative Pedagogy – Spirit, consciousness, and Magic in Education

This conference dealt with the space between spiritual, alternative, and contemplative education. It had workshops demonstrating these kinds of education, as well as research presentations of support (and criticism) on them. "Contemplative Education" is an umbrela term for education, teaching and learning approaches that turn the gaze into the mind and soaul of the individual, and to their deep link to life, other humans, and the world. Contemplative Education stems from a humanistic perceptionof human nature and the goals of education. It stresses the advancement of personal development and realization of the higher human potential, bot among students and teachers.


Lecture: Did God Attend the Screenings of “2001: Odyssey “in Space?

The film 2001: Odyssey in Space is known as idiosyncratic and became a cult film, however was also harchly criticized. In this lecture we argue that the filmmaker (Stanley Kubric) uses hypnotic technics in order to immerse the audience in a mystical/spiritual trance experiences. In the research we describe three such technics (the article is being prepared), while explaining the contradicting reactions to the film.


Lecture: Versions of Theme Design Reality Creation in New Age Culture

We create our own reality - this is a major idea in the contemporary cultural discourse. But how? From the Matrix to a magic stick, from positive psychology to mind control technics. This lecture, in the framework of a seminar dedicated to New Age and Fantasy Literature at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, surveys the discourse on the creation of reality.


Article: The Creating-Our-Reality Motif in Contemporary Western Popular Spirituality

One of the most prominent themes in the contemporary spiritual discourse, as well as in the general popular discourse, is that we are those who create our own world. This idea has various versions. For instance, the positive psychology version depicts how thoughts and expextations may create a reality through the change of behaviour; the science fiction version sees us as players in a virtual space that choose and shape their enviroment; the magical version teaches us to cast spells of reality; and more. This research analyses the popular spiritual discourse on the creation of reality, and thereby reviels a few insights on the contemporary cultural tendencies, the cultural contradictions, and the emergence of a new ethic.


Lecture: What is Hypnosis? A Critical Inquiry in Light of the Scientific Disputes

"There's no finding the border between acting and hypnotizing" - thus is said in an Israeli verdict in the case of White accused in using hypnosis while violating the law. If the Israeli law forbids using hypnosis (except of limited cases), and one doesn't know why actually hypnosis is - how can the law be enforced?! The lecture deals with the juristic and enforcemental problematicalness in Israel, in light of studying the sceintific discourse that has a "hard time" agreeing on the definition of "hypnosis".


Lecture: Jewish Spirituality in the New Age

This lecture (about 30 min.) surveys and maps the various ways in which New Age and Judaism meet and mix together. The full name of the lecture was: "Jewish Spirituality in the New Age - Emerging Jewish-Israeli Phenomena in the Junction with New Age Culture". It presents ten "types" of these meeting places, accompanied by many examples, while presenting a relevant theoretical background, and discussing the characteristics and trends of this emergent multifaceted space, one of them being the exotization of Judaism process in the New Age realm.


Lecture: The Exotization of Judaism in the New Age

This lecture (see 30-min. film and a presentation, in Hebrew) took place in a seminar celebrating the publication of an anthology of researches which included my article on the meeting place of Judaism and New Age in Israel, at Ben Gurion University. The lecture focused on the characteristics of Israeli New Age Judaism, especially the exotization of Judaism within those circles.


Article: The Roadmap of Israeli Judaism(s) in the New Age

This fundamental and encompassing article (about 12000 words, in Hebrew) surveys and maps the various ways in which New Age and Judaism meet and mix together, in Israel. It presents ten "types" of these meeting places, accompanied by many examples, while presenting a relevant theoretical background, and discussing the characteristics and trends of this emergent multifaceted space, one of them being the exotization of Judaism process in the New Age realm.