Article: Historians as Storytellers – A Critical Examination of New-Age Religion’s Scholarly Historiography

It seems the past is not fixed, but rather ever-changing. This study isn't about the history of New Age religion, but rather a critical analysis of the history sceince as it manifests in the scholarly discourse on the history of New Age.


Lecture: Thinking of the New Age as an “Ideational Network”

The (Hebrew, about 20 min.) lecture took place at the 8th Israeli Conference for the Study of Contemporary Spiritualities' plenum, at the University of Haifa (December 2015). The lecture presented the model of "the Ideational Network", that was Ruah-Midbar's doctoral dissertation's fruit (see link below). Ruah-Midbar Shapiro was also the co-chair of this conference, and actually the initiator and founder of the series of ICSCS. This lecture opened the final session of the conference, that was on "Spirituality Now - Israel 2016: Conceptualizations, Major Trends, and Central Issues". The session's chair was Boaz Huss.