You are currently viewing Lecture: Lilith’s Comeback in Contemporary Feminist Spiritualities

What a glorious career did Lilith had in thousands of years! Alas, always as a negative and dark image… However, in the last decades, in the feminist spirituality she’s actually admired.
So, what does she represent for the contemporary feminist spirituality? Not one thing, but rather different things.
The lecture presents a research, that was also published in an Article. See below links to relevant items.
The lecture took place at a panel on “New Religious Movements” at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Religion, dedicated to the Scriptures (their nature and place in religions). The conference was conducted at Bar Ilan University on March 11th-12th, 2018.
This conference’s session took place in English.

The recorded lecture

The film includes both the lecture on Lilith (some 20 min.), and then the concluding discussion of the session, which included Dr. Shai Feraro and Dr. Julie Chajes:

A similar presentation in English exists, see links below.


The lecture takes a look at Lilith’s career peak: after thousands of years and a multitude of civilizations portraying Lilith, she finally got her highest position in civilization – as a positive model, even a goddess.
various kinds of utilizing the scriptures to re-invent and adopt Lilith as a model or a Goddess. The use take the scriptures very seriously as a source of theology (or thealogy) and religious practice. Even more important, we can also see how new scriptures are being produced, though for now they are very dynamic in nature and encourage self-authority with their adaptation for personal use.


Marianna Ruah-Midbar Shapiro
Israeli Association for the Study of Religion (IASR), Bar Ilan University


For the detailed conference’s program (in English) – click here, or for the digital format – here (association’s site, Hebrew & English).

For the Israeli Association for the Study of Religions’ site – click here.


March 11th, 2018




Academic item

Bibliographical citation

Ruah-Midbar Shapiro, Marianna, “Lilith’s Comeback in Contemporary Feminist Spiritualities”, a lecture at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Religion, dedicated to the Scriptures (their nature and place in religions). The conference was conducted at Bar Ilan University on March 11th, 2018. Available at:

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