Encyclopedic entry: “New Age Judaism”

This Encyclopedic entry presents one of the main reseach specialties of Ruah-Midbar Shapiro - The meetingplace of Judaism and New Age spirituality. It includes several exemplifications of the phenomena generated in this meetingplace, such as Jewish Reiki, Jewish Shamanism, Jubu, contemporary alternative spiritual versions of Kabbalah and Hassidism.


An Encyclopedian Entry on Mothering and Spirituality

This short entry featured as one among hundreds of others included in the 3-volume Encyclopedia of Motherhood, edited by Andrea O'Reilly. The entry deals with the connection between mothering and spirituality, to motherly deities (in Kabbalah, Hinduism, and Mother Earth - Gaia), to the spiritual valor of mothering, and the balanced feminine role. It was written and published on the same year in which Marianna Ruah-Midbar became a mother.